Restricted User Role

A restricted user only has access to surveys, modules and features that you assign to the role. These roles are ideal for external users, such as consultants or clients.

Learn more about user roles here:

Examples of when to use a restricted user role:

Client Access

For this example we will use a scenario where you need to give your client access to view and export data.

1. First let's create a new restricted role (you may also use an existing role assuming it has the correct permissions)

  • Click on the "Create New Role" button
  • Then enter the name of the role, select "Restricted" then click "Save"

2. Once saved, the new role will be listed in the "Management Roles" page, find the role and click on the actions dropdown to access the permissions for that role, then click on "Permissions"

3. In the permissions window, select the modules and features you would like to grant access to

4. Now click "Update" in the bottom of the Permissions popup to save these permissions to the new role.

That's it, now anyone with this restricted role will only have the access you define. 

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