Information for Community Members

Q-Fi Support

Last Update hace 9 meses

Who is a community member?

Community members are individuals that have registered and opted-in to be part of a research / insights community. 

Community members are typically invited to join a community for a specific market research project or for a brand or product that needs ongoing feedback about their products or services. However, communities are not limited to these use cases and can be used for many different requirements. 

About Q-Fi

Q-Fi offers a software that organizations can use to build and manage these research communities. 

We do have our own community, but it's strictly for Q-Fi users and we do not currently manage or conduct qualitative research on behalf of any clients.

If you are a member of a community that uses the Q-Fi community platform (Quali-Fi) and need any assistance please contact the moderator or the organization that recruited you initially. 

Technical issues or bugs

If you are a member of a community that uses the Q-Fi platform and are experiencing any technical issues or notice a bug, please feel free to use the live chat to contact our support team or submit a ticket in the help center. 

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