Quota Management Module

This article provides instructions on how to access the Quota Management module and the different options for creating quotas for your survey.

For more information about quotas and when they should be used you can check out this article: https://qfihelp.com/article/introduction-to-quotas

Step 1

To begin you will need to navigate to the "Data & Analysis" module. 

  1. If you're on the home screen, click on the 3 dots to access the menu for the survey you would like to add quotas to.
  2. Then click on "Data & Analysis" to navigate to the reporting module.

Step 2

While in the main summary screen, click on the "Manage Quotas" link to access the Quota Management screen.

Step 3

There are 3 methods for adding quotas to your survey. 

  1. Import / Copy - this option allows you to either import from a CSV file or copy from a previous survey.
  2. Add New - this option allows you to create one quota item at a time. 
  3. Creation Wizard - this option offers a guided process that allows you to create multiple quota items.

Creating & Editing Quotas:

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