Descriptive / Informational Question

The Descriptive question is mainly used for displaying information to respondents. 

It is not used for collecting data. Descriptive questions are normally used for introduction and transitional screens in your survey.

How to create a Descriptive Question:

Step 1

To begin, create a new survey or edit one you've already created.

Then click on the "New Question" menu in the left navigation sidebar. 

Step 2

Then click on "Descriptive" to add a Descriptive question to your survey. 

Step 3

Enter your descriptive or informational content into the question text field.

Step 4

Click "Save" and you're all done!

Simply click on the red "Publish" button in the bottom left of the screen, then you can preview your survey by clicking on the "Preview" Button:

If you followed the above instructions correctly, when you preview your survey this question should look something like this:

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