Send / Deploy Features & Settings

Q-Fi offers a few different options for sending and deploying a survey. This article provides a quick summary for each of these options:

  1. Send with Email
    With this option you can create an email invitation using our email builder, then upload your contact list and send the email invitation to your contact list. 
  2. Website deploy (website intercepts)
    This option allows you to embed a code snippet on your website that will prompt visitors to take the survey.
  3. Panel deploy (send to 3rd party panel providers)
    If you wish to send your survey out using a panel provider, then that's easy to setup in Q-Fi, you can collect panel specific data and send that back to the panel based on logic and respondent status.
  4. QR Code deploy (generate and print QR codes for print or scan deploy)
    This option can be used in situations where you are inviting respondents to access your survey on the go, it provides a QR code and when scanned the respondents will be directed to the survey. 
  5. SMS deploy (limited beta release - if you're interested in beta testing, contact support)
    This option allows you to upload a list of phone numbers to invite recipients to take your survey. 
  6. IVR deploy - this feature will be released in an upcoming update. If you're interested in being a beta tester, please contact support.

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