Release Notes V3.8.2

July 22, 2024

Q-Fi Support

Last Update 7 months ago

In recent weeks since the V3.8 release, we’ve made significant enhancements and updates to our platform. This article highlights these improvements and provides a sneak peek into upcoming features, ensuring our users stay informed about what’s on the horizon. Many of these updates are based on user feedback, so we encourage you to reach out to our support team with your suggestions and ideas.

Q-Fi Surveys & Quanti-Fi Updates

  1. Advanced Survey Editor View is now available in V3.8
  2. AI Hub - The AI engine behind all our AI initiatives. This is a new centralized platform that powers all our AI tools and features. It will help us build and release new AI features faster and offer more AI related interactions to users to make your work more efficient.
  3. Account Usage API - Admins can now connect and pull stats about their account usage from Q-Fi.
  4. Shopping Cart Question Update - We've added a new feature that allows you to track the order that products were placed into the shopping cart by respondents. 
  5. Progress Bar Update - We've added new layout options for the progress bar placement in surveys. A progress bar can now be customized with gradient color, anchored to the top of the page, bottom of the page and left or right of the logo.
  6. Report Builder Updates - We've added more customization options and UI improvements so users can build better looking dashboards. Including a major update to the Video Review reporting, we've added the chart overlay so report viewers can now view the chart update as they watch the video playback.
  7. SMS Deploy is now available to all Quanti-Fi and Quali-Fi accounts.
  8. Delete All Email Contacts - We added a function to delete all the contacts in an email list.
  9. Delete All Quota Records - We added a new function to delete all the quota records in a project. This doesn't impact the data and when you add back quotas they will auto compute to show the correct quota counts and statuses.

Quali-Fi Community Updates

  1. Custom Fields - We've updated the custom field function, you are now able to create different types of fields such as; Text, Date, Number, Email, Phone number, Dropdown, Single Select and Multi-Select.
  2. Discussions - We've added Sentiment Analysis the Excel export.
  3. Discussions Dashboard Report - We've added a new automated dashboard feature for Discussions, that includes AI Sentiment analysis, Theming, Topics and more.

Updates Coming Soon

Q-Fi Surveys & Quanti-Fi

  1. Q-Fi Audience - easily source and deploy surveys using panel sample.
  2. Test Before Publish - we're updating the testing process so you do not need to publish before testing.
  3. Client Roles - we're adding a new default role for your clients, where you will be able to assign default settings and control their access.
  4. MS Word Import Improvements - updates are coming to include more features and more automations for MS Word import.
  5. Teams & Organizational Mngt. - more features and controls for managing teams and organizational accounts.
  6. AI Translation - ability to translate the entire survey into different languages in seconds. 
  7. Single sign-on (SSO) improvements
  8. UI / UX improvements for survey editor

Quali-Fi Community 

  1. AI Sentiment Analysis for Diaries
  2. Diaries Dashboard
  3. Member Segmentation improvements
  4. Focus Group Transcription & Playback
  5. Community Moderator Updates
  6. Client / Moderator Communication

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